Avornian Kingdom Version II

Alas, another update is in store for my Avornian Kingdom. I’ve made vast changes. Many buildings have been modified, and outright remade, albeit still being unfinished (the irony).

The Avornian Kingdom? (A City State in actuality), is split in districts. Currently there are only 6 districts, as pictured here:

  1. Northquest (highlighted in red)
  2. Everland (highlighted in blue)
  3. Gisea (highlighted in yellow)
  4. Brics (highlighted in white)
  5. Narask (highlighted in green)
  6. Crowns (highlighted in black)


The oldest, and currently the biggest district is Northquest, who, with this update, has been vastly remodified. A new cathedral, named the Maxburg Cathedral, has been built by stratch, replacing the old one. It’s still unfinished, but it’s outline has been done. The old Minecraft inspired blacksmith, church and butcher buildings have been completely torn down, and replaced with new ones*. A new port is also being constructed, with all of the old guard towers/keeps being destroyed. Several other buildings have also been destroyed and/or modified. I will not say which ones, or all of the changes the district saw,  but here is a before and after shot that says it:



The district is still not finished, but it’s been heavily edited that has made it better. New buildings will soon be up, in the next update of course. Hope you find all the new changes!


Everland is one of the smaller districts of Avornia, yet it is also one of the richest districts, it having the Constabulary Academy, an Alchemy Guild location, and the great Everland Tower, the tallest structure in Avornia. Like Northquest, this district has also been heavily edited and reconstructed, with many old buildings being completely redone.

A Before shot:

The After Shot (not the best shot):

A favorite district of mine, unlike the others, it is one of the most cohesive one is terms of being ‘finished’. Be sure to check out Cherrywood Lane, and the many changes! The buildings are absolutely stunning.

Here are some other pictures that showcase the major changes of this update:

A look towards Everland from the Cerralian Clocktower. You can see that the major Everland Tower’s exterior is mostly done.

A flyover shot of Northquest, where you can see a clearer shot of the Maxburg Cathedral. When I start the adventure I have planned for this world. This is going to be one of the major places. Especially with the catacombs I plan to build!

I didn’t showcase all of the various updates for Version II of the Avornian Kingdom, so be sure to look for them, and if you get thirsty or hungry trying to, be sure to head over to the Nortili Bar and Restaruant located in the Narask District. It’s been completely redone!

Hope you all enjoy this update. It’s a big one. I’m now on the process of constructing a new port, and finally constructing the puny Brics district, and the massively unfinished Crowns district. Enjoy! The link, as usual, will be posted down below! I not so long ago submitted the update to the Community Center, so it might be hours, or even days, till it gets posted on there. So feel free to get it here first! Edit: And the link is live on the Community Center for all to download! Enjoy


AvornianKingdom2 by KyleVPirate

Cerralian Empire by KyleVPirate

My lovely, and vastly unfinished, Cerralian Empire is out on the Comunity Center!

Some quick highlights of what’s in it:

Explore the port city, and province, of Cerralia, from where the Empire gets its name from. Over 1,000 years ago, before the Cerralia Empire, there existed hundreds of small kingdoms and city states, most of them on the Mainland. During a massive war that lay ruin to most of the Mainland, the Cerralians conquered those ravaged kingdoms and city states, and forged the Cerralian Empire. **

Not looking to get wet, or smell too much of fish, the main industry of Cerralia, why not go instead towards the Province of Avornia. After the Norvian Royal Family were dragged down from their pedestal of power in the cold and freezing Avornian Kingdom, the surviving members fled back to Cerralia, where then Emperor, Emperor Juliuos II, welcomed them back, and granted them land to his distant? relatives. Built in an Avornian fashion, for the most part, it’s one of the most beautiful and most richest of all Provinces. **

Not keen to get a reminder of the cold and freezing Avornian Kingdom? Why not go metropolitan and visit the City of Rhine, one of the largest cities, and capital, of the Empire. The city takes its name from what once was the Kingdom of Rhine, one of Cerralias most formidable enemies. After a Great War ravaged the old kingdom, Cerralia conquered it, and retook their biggest city, the largest then of the Mainland, as their own. **

Tired of living big? And of the noise and pollution? Why not go rural and visit the Farmland, a vast peninsula dedicated for raising livestock, farming and more specifically, rye, where it is the capitals main food source. **

Don’t wanna go rural, and instead want to go fancy? Why not go to the big daddy of them all, the seat of power for the ruling Beuton Family, the wonderful, and gorgeous, Beauton Palace. Built over a period of hundreds of years, the Palace has different sections that look vastly different from one another. It was built on the same spot where the ancient seat of power for the ancient ruling Rhinian Family that once ruled the Kingdom of Rhine. **

Fun fact: The palace was shown in the promotional video for Survivalcraft 2, which has garnered over 2.8 million views. Thank you so much Kaalus!

I hope you enjoy the Cerralian Empire, even though it is vastly unfinished, especially the big city, and big big big palace. 

I will be posting a before and after feature post for the empire as I did for Avornia, to showcase the differences and many updates that the world experienced. I hope to rechange many parts like I did for Avornia, and am on the process of doing so, since many buildings are in need of updating! Enjoy the Cerralian Empire!

Links for all worlds mentioned:

  1. Avornian Empire by KyleVPirate
  2. Cerralian Empire by KyleVPirate

Please leave any comments, concerns, and any suggestions below ^^. I love feedback. Thank you!

** Not completed 

The Kingdom? Of Avornia

A new update for my Kingdom of Avornia world will soon be out up in the community. I must say its been quite a while since I’ve last posted, but through thick and thin, it doesn’t mean I’ve abandoned SC or my worlds. With Avornia, I’ve been updating and polishing the world, especially since this world was created in 2014, and my skills at building have improved, including the welcome update of furniture! So while there most definitely is new content, it’s updating what was already there, if it makes sense. Here are some before and after pics.



The pictures above are seen from my canon landing looking towards the marketplace. Many buildings have been torn down, and have been rebuilt anew, though the inside of them are not finished, and neither are the buildings 100% complete themselves

Here are another before and after pictures



The pictures above are taken from the local Cerralian Clocktower College**, showing a more in depth look at the new buildings and new renovated infrastructure. The small things count, more importantly in fact, than just updating the facades of buildings, especially if you want to create a city that feels like it’s alive. Below are some examples how I’m also doing this as well



This picture is taken from the entrance of the NorthQuest Cathedral** looking out into the square of the district of NorthQuest, instead of being bland, you’ll not only find new buildings surrounding it, but carts and clothing lines, with lamps instead of torches for light, and banners welcoming users to the library, where if anyone wants a quick history of the Avornia Kingdom?, you’ll see why the question mark questioning if it’s a Kingdom exists ;).

Other Notes:

I’m not done  with Avornia, nor did I show everything that has been changed in this post, so go out and explore. Compared to my Cerralian Empire, this definitely feels complete though. In other news, I’ve published two worlds in the community, my old old old old old Tarzan Adventure, that has been updated with new furnishings and tweaks, and my old old old old old Sunstone City world. Both are some of the oldest worlds I’ve ever made, dating back to when SC was originally released on the iOS App Store circa 2013? My Tarzan world is HARD in survival, and its rating is definitely proof of that haha. It still needs more polish though, and hopefully I’ll fully renovate it one of these days, especially the story and the routes.

Links: For all the worlds mentioned above 🙂 If a link does not work, please tell me!

  1. Tarzan Jungle Adventure
  2.  Avornian Kingdom (Link that will be published)
  3. Sunstone City
  4. Cerralia Empire (Not the most up to date, but it’s the closest to it 🙂

** not finished

New Town & Starting Point?

Randomly I placed a block and out it grew into a full fledged manor 🙂 which spawned a new town. Currently in my Cerralia world I am building a small town a few chunks of blocks away from my capital city. So far I’ve got a small manor with a garden and a gazebo with a small market place. It won’t be too big. It’ll be a miniature little pueblo you can say haha. It’ll utilize medieval/Gothic like architecture (truth be told who knows haha). Some pictures

^ Back side of the manor. I really love this building. Similar to my small church orphanage complex in the city. The house has three balconies so plenty of outdoorsy views right from indoors. Looks rather menacing don’t you think?

^ Side view of the manor with its gardens visible and the market/gazebo complex in the foreground

^ Close up of the market and gazebo.

^ Here lies the front of the manor with some extending gardens. A rather old picture it doesn’t incorporate the side gardens with pumpkins and wheat as seen in the side view picture (picture 2) but regardless gives a nice look at the entrance.
I don’t know the size of the town yet but I’m thinking a good sized town with potentially a larger bigger manor or even a smallish castle overlord overlooking the town on a nearby hill. So far I like how it’s looking :). I’m actually thinking of having the user start their adventure in this town when I’ve finished this world and have created an adventure/story. Instead of starting on the ship one starts in now when entering or starting Cerralia. Hope you guys like it.

Cerralia Empire Version 2 

A new version of my Cerralia Empire has been published and Whitelisted. It adds many new things including new buildings and structures like a small tourney, several villas previously published before, a new church/orphanage complex with a near by gazebo, an alchemist school (not completed), a mansion on the peninsula known as Farmsland, a new Petravali Manor formerly abandoned has now been revived, many changes to several buildings indoor and many more.

A few changes and additions as follow:

^ Entrance to the School of Alchemy. Ever since Fireworks were introduced in 1.28 I wonder if they have anything to do with it haha. Don’t tell Cersei…. ):P
Tower of Alchemy with several new buildings in the foreground including the small tourney ground way in the foreground with a house and mansion in tow as well. Not completed but have a look

^ The church and orphanage complex which is one of my most favorite builds ever with a gazebo nearby. It features a church, a small graveyard, a garden, a fountain, and some enclosed boar. Have a look, for my adventure I have in mind of this map, you might start here instead of the ship docked at the old city port.

^ A new building, uncompleted but snug and cozy if you ask me just how it looks from the outside

^ The new Petravali manor, way different looking than my previous version of the Cerralia Empire. The color has been changed to match the other Petravali Manor. Note that the Petravali and Rothsdaniel families have a feud.

Enjoy the new update, it doesn’t really a massive update, but it still has some substantially new additions. Hopefully the next update will be a BIG one. I have in mind, an arena, a cathedral, new castles and palaces, a foreground, abalones ruins in the jungle, even a subterranean society ala Tunnels and Journey to the Center of the Earth. Enjoy! Hopefully you spot the differences and improvements 🙂


MineceaftKingdomV3 is out and Whitelisted in the community center. It is a massive update over V2 with many changes, including new buildings, existed buildings heavily remodeled, etc. I’ll post a more in depth seeing the differences soon

^ The ruined castle of Avornia is near completion (get it har har). I have a story of its demise which will coincide with the adventure I have planning for this world 

^ This is a Fort that holds the entrance to Avornia on land in the South where it connects to a upcoming Kingdom plagued by war and disease which will bring trouble to Avornia, dun dun dun.

^ A view from the Princess Tower, or Tower of the Heir, in the ruined Castle formerly the seat of House Norvia, a old cadet branch of House Bourbon of Cerralia, of the city. Long story short their are many changes to many buildings as well as additionally ones. See if you can spot them. There even lies a new district

^ Skyline of the city at night, doesn’t it flow so bright 🙂 

Future: Hopefully in the next update I complete the city completely including all new districts and incorporate the city wall which is partially completed. Enjoy haha

Mini Water Garden Villa

Truth be told I’ve been very busy and not able to do any building whatsoever so I took a little brake from the irl commotion to build a mini Water Garden. Inspired by Moorish / Spanish architecture which were used in the water gardens for adorns this season of Game of Thrones which I love (truth be told the Dorne storyline wasn’t the greatest). Truth be told I got inspired and built a mini Water Garden using Sandstone blocks. 

^ Situated on a nice built Jill by the old city docks. With great views to not only the city of Rhine but of the ports right below its chin.


^ Here we have a little flyover of the mini “water gardens” located right in the center of the villa. A great escape right in your own house if you wish for the outdoors with plenty of greenery. 


^ Be our guest and enjoy the delight of the Water Villa! With some nice peek. Boo looks at the Beauton Palace. Mind the cactus though
Hopefully soon I expand and do a little more. I’ve tweaked the Palace here and there and every building in the city incorporating the carpets that came forth from the 1.27 update. Hopefully those changes are shown soon enough. Furthermore my Avornia MinecraftKingdom2 has also seen some drastic changes that I’ll post soon. Unfortunately my Cerralia World and MinecraftKingodm 2 had garnered difficulties in the community center both seemingly unavailable to download and trying to do so gets one an error. Currently that has been fixed and both are available to download after some time. I’ll definitely upload updates soon enough! Current progress:


Here’s a little information about the villa and its history, while it takes someone talented to built great structures. It’s really the story that intrigues people and here is mine of this villa. I’m also building a story behind my world once it’s near completion and the adventure begins :D:
 The Villa’s owner truth be told is the sister of the King who once was a Queen! She used to be married to a faraway King in a kingdom known as Victori. Unfortunately things didn’t work out (being a political marriage and having it arranged, she had to leave her beloved on the command of her father, former king of Cerralia) and once birthing an heir for the kingdom, she left and came back to Cerralia once her brother came to reign the Empire of Cerralia and once again reunited with her beloved, they fostered 3 children and built the villa. Tragedy struck though when the king of Victori was ousted by the Balyrian Empire. The heir of Victori and son of the former Queen tragically disappeared. Unfortunately communications ceased between the former Queen and King of Victori once she left her unloved child behind and the poor boy grew up not knowing his mother, having the knowledge that she was dead. To this day no one knows what happened during the coup and the former Queen never talks about her life in Victori or the unloved child that mysteriously disappeared years ago. The villa has a tower ordained with dragons made of Sandstone four on each side. One is not quite like the others and legend says the former Queen of Victori told the builders of the villa to place the slightly different dragon head for her lost child as a commemoration for his loss and for the love she never gave the child. 

Cerralia Update: Clocktower Update Perhaps 

I have not posted anything in quite some time. I’ve been busy in the real world haha but I have done some things in the Cerralia Empire including several nifty clocktowers, which starting in my Avornia Kingdom aka MinecraftKingdomV2

For the city specifically, I have completed a nice little Clocktower that isn’t so little incorporating old fashion architecture when a nice classical twist. Incorporating some Steam punk architecture to the mix. Whatever I was originally planning, of having a classical themed world or Victorian or Medieval is out haha. 

^Here is the Clocktower. Very reminiscent of the one in my Minecraft Kingdom I say so myself. Both are very similar, but different. 
^ I also have built a little prison near the docks in the old section of the city near the old Clocktower haha where you can see as well as two other ones in the background! 
Believe or not I have also worked on my Beauton Palace which has long been abandoned haha after working on the city for so long. Here is it’s very own Clocktower known as the Beauton, plain and simple :-). Like the new one in the city and the one in the Avornia Kingdom, they all incorporate the same time of architecture.
Overall things are moving slowly. I’m not much into the game anymore so idk how progress will from now on. 

NSFW: Fixing the Community Center in Survivalcraft

   A Wake Up Call

Yesterday Kaalus reported that build 1.27 of Survivalcraft for the iOS App Store was rejected, not for any technical issue, BUT because of the inappropriate worlds located in the Community Center.

World’s that are very sexual in nature to start with. Which include Torture Porn worlds ala Fifty Shades of Grey. Even one world presented and talking about rape. Really?! This is a KIDS game smh. Going through the community center sorted on Top Ranked, we get worlds as following that are inappropriate and should be removed immediately and reported

  • Love World 1
  • Love Story Part 3
  • Young Love 2
  • PureLoveQuest1
  • Tattered Love Quest
  • Cupids Love 3
  • Love Story
  • True Love Quest 3
  • Tattered Love Quest 3
  • Love and Cry
  • Dating Sims

(Sad to say their really is a FiftyShadesofGrey world in the community center… with nearly 10 thousand downloads and 4.5/5 stars)

Not only are their worlds that are highly sexual in nature, but worlds that sometimes are only spammed for attention and useless. World’s that always have rate 5 stars and the latter that link to YouTube videos for other content that has nothing to do with the subject matter. Like real working teleporting device, working refrigerators etc. People their are no working refrigerators or need for one in Survivalcraft and sorry but teleporting isnt in this game. Regarding the spam of 5 stars, sometimes if the world is good, it surely deserves 5 stars, but for worlds with sexual suggestions and worlds with useless things that provide no fun or integrity to the community center system, they do not deserve 5 stars.

Might as well bring in RPG worlds that also constantly pollute the community center. While I’m all in for multiplayer worlds and RPG’s, in regards to their being no search bar in the community center, they pollute the community center and disallow the findings of other worlds. And of course some of these worlds being not appropriate and containing sexual themes in a kids game might as well repeat what this game is.

(Please report worlds like posted as above.)

*Note: This is an example of worlds that have polluted the community center and should not be advisable to download, only to report the content which sadly only works when downloading a world which contributes to their downloads and star ratings.

ETC! and the list goes on and on with sick worlds like the one above. Being a fan of building blocks worlds, this problem apply to other popular building block games like Block Earth, Eden World Builder etc. Is it surprising, no. Once a game get’s more popular like Survivalcraft is, this usually tends to happen which unfortunately brings the spammers of inappropriate content.

As I commented in the post of “iOS Rejected”. Only members of the official Survivalcraft forum should only be allowed to post or publish a world, texture pack, skins etc. Allowing this no anonymous users will be allowed to publish, which while unfortunate, will disallow the anonymous publication of inappropriate worlds and content. 

A log in to your Forum account will be presented and available when one wants to upload any content. This will allow not only seeing who publishes what world, but disallow the spamming of the community center. Furthermore if anyone even tries to create an account to publish filth, the user would be automatically banned. This would also allow moderators to be present in moderating the worlds and community center for anything suspicious. Moderators, of course, being members of the forum.

 Something Kaalus should immediately implement is the availability of reporting a world WITHOUT downloading it, which will decrease the worlds downloaded ranking. 

Helping this cause even more, a search bar should also be implemented allowing users to search for what they want to find since in it’s current form, the community center can not be searched for and one must literally continue and continue through filth and treachery to find any good worlds in the community center. Categories/genre’s can also be added allowing it to be more tidy and organized. Like having the following options as examples of categories that could be present:

  • Castles/Palaces
  • Kingdoms/Countries/Cities
  • Houses/Mansions
  • Adventure Worlds
  • RPG worlds


Unfortunately, currently none of this is available so right now what any humble person can do is report report and REPORT these worlds. Just because Apple declined it, does not mean that other platforms wont do the same. Not only was this a travesty for the majority, as the saying goes. The few ruin it for the majority, but it was also a wake up call.

As Kaalus has suggested. I am all in for the disablement of the Community Center in it’s current presence not only in iOS (but as of right now, in order to pass Apple’s reviewing process then yes, only iOS should have the community center removed) but in all platforms until this issue could be mostly solved. I love the Community center, a place to find excellent worlds. But not in it’s current state. We will still have access to Dropbox links thankfully.

Another option is only disabling the option of uploading worlds and still allowing the option to upload skins and texture packs, although I’ve seen some not appropriate skins reagrding nudity, not that that is bad, but guess what, not in a kid’s game* From fellow WordPress member Chris Drake (Drake 512). A much better option than disabling the entire community center content which will also disable texture packs and skins.

Version 1.0.1 of Cerralia released in community

Version 1.0.1 of my Cerralian Empire is released in the community under the name of LargeCityV1.0.1. This is what version 1.0.1 contain:

  • A partially finished palace otherwise known as the Beauton Palace
  • Partially completed part of the Cerralian capital city of Rhine which include:
    • 1 completely mansion: Petravali Manor
    • 1 partially completed RothsDaniel Mansion
    • 1 unfinished mansion
    • 2 shops including a restaurant and a flower shop
    • 6 completed smaller homes including the restaurant and shop
    • a unfinished Amari Hotel
    • A pier with a ship in it’s docks and 2 cranes
    • One old clocktower and lighthouse
    • 2 Hot air balloons
    • 1 Obelisk
  • A farmland area including
    • RothsDaniel family Ranch which includes two homes and a barn
    • A windmill
    • Wilson family manor on the beach
    • A small farm with a barn and small house

Here is the direct link for the download:


Here are some images where you can see the new builds:


^Lighthouse in the background. Clocktower close up with a hot air balloon and the dock in the foreground. All located in the old district of the city


^Closer look at the ships and pier including the two cranes.


^the massive scope of the palace. Even one person has limitations.

Enjoy version 1.0.1 lol. It does not have allot of things yet but it’s very detailed and every building will be fully furnished livable,patience is a virtue. Rome wasn’t built in a day haha.